• Testing concepts
  • Sunday, 26 January 2014

    Quality matters than Quantity in Testing

    Why Quality is Important in terms of Software Testing.

    Hey there are around 100 bugs in your project what would you do?

    Will you test all these again and again in a short span of time.

    Its about Quality and Time that matters here. Well Identifying most critical Bugs and getting to know what might most effect other Bugs is about Testing good Quality software.

    The other Bugs which are not so effected can be Tested in next given cycle at appropriate time.

    But the Most Important Bugs has to be tested initially as there will be an release of software approaching soon.

    So its the matter of Just getting Good Quality software with an appropriate time which is important than Testing all Bugs which are not appropriate time and schedule.  

    Sunday, 5 January 2014

    Risk Based Testing

    Risk Based Testing in Software testing.....

    A Risk in general terms is normally meant for Problems or some situation which may occur in future for any task assigned. So In Software Testing also there is category called Risk factor in Software for any given application and for even the company also.

    Risk based testing in Software Testing is where we categorize while performing or test a given application where its Cost factor, Team size, Priority of Task assigned, ability of person to handle application for different scenarios or any urgent tasks assigned.

    Like for example in real time scenario will be like in a given project if a team develops application having Developers and Testers. A tester writes Test Cases in his own manner but what if he leaves organization, this is called Risk Factor. Because the new Joinee will have to clearly understand from basic in how the previous tester has written the test cases and he has to continue his left over task.

    Another example is the cost factor which is major issue where in case if Business Analyst doesnot analyze how much time or how much team is needed for application to develop, in future the same time and cost might be a factor for creating Quality application. This is Risk factor for whole company.

    Another example is if the project is assigned for a team and what if the person doesnot have that depth knowledge on the particular technology, this is risk factor where again time and cost will be factor.